Elden Beast is the Final Boss of the Elden Ring.
You might think why the Elden Beast came out from the flesh of Radagon or who this is.
In this article, the author, native Japanese, explained the lore of Elden Beast, taking the Japanese backgrounds into consideration.
Notes about Elden Beast
Let’s see the notes about Elden Beast.
To conclude, Elden Beast is the living incarnation of Golden Order, Elden Ring itself, and the source of Erdtree.
Let’s see the details of each.
Elden Beast is the living incarnation of Golden Order
We can get Elden Remembrance after defeating Elden Beast.
The flavor text of the Elden Remembrance indicates Elden Beast is the living incarnation of the concept of a Order.
Elden Remembrance
It was the vassal beast of the Greater Will and living incarnation of the concept of Order.
And, the Order at that time was the Golden.
So, we can conclude that the Elden Beast is the living incarnation of the concept of Golden Order.

Elden Beast is the Elden Ring itself
Elden Beast is also the Elden Ring itself, as described in the flavor text of Elden Stars.
Elden Stars
It is said that long ago, the Greater Will sent a golden star bearing a beast into the Lands Between, which would later become the Elden Ring.
The word “a beast” is referring to the Elden Beast.

As a side note, Elden Beast became the Elden Ring after the Golden Order ruled the Lands Between.
Protection of the Erdtree
In the beginning, everything was in opposition to the Erdtree. But through countless victories in war, it became the embodiment of Order.
Elden Beast is the Source of the Erdtree
So far, I explained that the Elden Beast is the Elden Ring itself.
And, offcial prologue below indicates the Elden Ring is the source of the Erdtree.
Official prologue
In the Lands Between ruled by Queen Marika the Eternal, the Elden Ring, the source of the Erdtree, has been shattered.
So, we can conclude that the Elden Beast is the Elden Ring and the sorce of the Erdtree.
Moreover, Elden Beast would be parasitic on World Tree.
In the Japanese translation, “Erdtree” and “World Tree” are clearly distinguished.
For example, in the Japanese translation, the “Erdtree” in the following sentences is replaced by “World Tree”.
You must find kindling. Only the smoldering flame in the Great Forge of the Giants,
on the highest peak in the Lands Between, can burn the Erdtree.
But special kindling is required to reignite the flame.
Actually, Erdtree still remains in the ending movie.
Therefore, Elden Beast and World Tree would be different entity.
In other words, Erdtree would consist of Elden Beast and World Tree.

In addition, Elden Beast has a tail like tree root, so it seems more correct that the Elden Beast is symbiotic with the World Tree rather than parasitic on it.
Why Does It Come from Radagon?
You might wonder why the Elden Beast come from Radagon.
In this cutscene, the Elden Beast appears after the fade of the Elden Ring inside the Radagon.
Since Radagon is a fanatic of Golden Order, it resided in the Elden Ring Radagon had.

So, the Golden Order inside the Ragagon’s Elden Ring transformed into the Elden Beast, the incarnation of the concept of Order.,
As a side note, the sword Elden Beast have is Godslayer’s Greatsword made from the cadaver of Radagon.
Godslayer’s Greatsword
Sacred sword of the Gloam-Eyed Queen who controlled the
Godskin Apostles before her defeat at the hands of Maliketh.
The black flames wielded by the apostles are channeled from this sword
Where did the Elden Beast fall?
As described in Elden Stars, Elden Beast came to Lands Between with a golden star.
Elden Stars
It is said that long ago, the Greater Will sent a golden star bearing a beast into the Lands Between, which would later become the Elden Ring.
Let’s think where the golden star fell.

There is a very large hole at the center of the Lands Between, as described in the initial concept art above.

Moreover, there are six Divine Towers at the vertices of a hexagon and mysterious fog remains at the center of it.
From these points, the Elden Beast might have fallen into the center of Lands Between and become the Erdtree near the place.
The Golden Star Destroyed the Farum Azula?
The author think that the Golden Star bearing the Elden Beast destroyed the Farum Azula.

Before the coming of the Elden Beast, the Dragonlord Placidusax in the Farum Azula ruled the Lands Between under the guaidance of Greater Will.
Actually, the Elden Ring, which the Placidusax would have possessed, is engraved on the wall at the deepest Farum Azula.

The author guess that the Great Will abandoned the Placidusax and deatroyed his stronghold, Farum Azula, by sending the golden star.
Moreover, the fragment of Farum Azula have a light, which might indecate that the light of the golden star transffered to the fragment.
Ruin Fragment
Stone fragment found near places where ruins have fallen from the sky.
Can be used for crafting, or simply for throwing at enemies.
These shards of stone are believed to have once been part of a temple in the sky.
They glow with a faint light from within.
From these points, the author suggests that the Golden Star bearing the Elden Beast destroyed the Farum Azula.
This is the article about “The Lore of Elden Beast Explained by a Native Japanese”.
Other articles are below
<God, Lord, Queen>
Greater Will, Two Fingers & Three Fingers, Elden Beast, Marika & Radagon, Godfrey & Hoarah Loux, Rennala
Ranni, Radahn, Rykard, Miquella, Malenia, Godwyn, Mohg, Morgott, Godrick
Melina, Fia, Dung Eater, Goldmask, Corhyn, Gideon Ofnir, Alexander, Lattena, Albinauric, Trina
<Boss, Enemy>
Lands Between
<Important Issue>
Golden Order, The Tarnished, The Night of the Black Knives, Outer God
Plese read them as well.
The Japanese version of this article is here.
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